Positive Advice to Europe: Stop Horror Kangaroo Trade
Photo Credit: Maria Taylor © Share this page Positive Advice to Europe: Stop Horror Kangaroo Trade Respect iconic indigenous companion The battle to end Australia’s trade in kangaroo meat and skins – the world’s largest onland wildlife slaughter has landed in Rome as Italian parliament considers market ban. An Australian delegation arrived in October and included First Nations voices speaking for the kangaroo, a respected companion in their traditional lands. The delegation – organised by advocacy group Kangaroos Alive in time for World Kangaroo Day – aims to stop the trade in kangaroo body parts that finds a market in some European countries. Italian luxury brands have sworn off using kangaroo skin leather in the past five years. In the UK, wildlife advocates have stopped the trade in kangaroo meat and leather use for soccer cleats. Similar efforts are underway in other countries. Here below is Kangaroos Alive’s report on their trip. Watch the video for the First Nations’ perspective given at a press conference in Rome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu_V-MjcocI Peter Hewitt, a Jerrinja/Yuin man and member of not-for-profit Back to Country and Gumbaynggirr man Ricky Buchanan have been selected to represent Indigenous elders. Joining them on this delegation are Mick McIntyre, co-director of Kangaroo A Love-Hate Story and co-founder of Kangaroos Alive (KA), Dennis Vink from KA, and Mark Pearson, former member of the New South Wales Legislative Council. Leading up to World Kangaroo Day next week this delegation is visiting several countries in Europe to advocate for a ban on kangaroo imports into Europe. KA has been working with Italian NGO ‘LAV’ on their “Salva Canguri” (Save the Kangaroos) campaign since 2019.The aim of the Italy campaign is: to obtain a national ban, through law, on the import and trade of products derived from commercial kangaroo killing. This campaign in Italy has seen great results with target companies adopting kangaroo-free corporate policies that have gone around the world (from Diadora – football boots – to Prada, Versace, Ferragamo .. and also, Gucci). Delegation members – Mick McIntyre, Simone Pavesi, Dennis Vink, Italian MP Eleonora Evi, Peter Hewitt, Ricky Buchanan, Mark Pearson. The delegation held a press conference with Italian MP Hon. Eleonora Evi (Democratic Party). The Italian parliament is due to consider a new bill that, if approved, will introduce a national ban on import and trade. The first signatory of the bill is the Hon. Eleonora Evi (Democratic Party); the bill was however signed by other Deputies from different political groups from left to right (Michela Vittoria Brambilla, Ilario Cavo, Noi Moderati; Susanna Cherchi, Movimento 5 Stelle; Beatriz Colombo, Fratelli d’Italia; Rita Dalla Chiesa, Forza Italia; Francesco Gallo, Misto; Simona Loizzo, Lega; Mauro Malaguti, Fratelli d’Italia; Gloria Saccani Jotti, Forza Italia). The aim of the press conference in Rome was to request the scheduling of the bill C.961 (Hon. Evi) and to approve it. Please support this bill by signing this petition: https://www.lav.it/stop-pelle-canguri