Another Tasmanian Devil Death — What You Can Do
Share this page “Thank you to all 22,000 of you for standing up to protect the Tasmanian Devils. Only yesterday, I found another young dead devil along the road, bringing the death toll to 114 since January 2021.” — Alice Carson, 1 March 2022. change.org I HAVE BEEN contacting Ministers and representatives trying to get some real commitment from our leaders to protect one of the last remaining health devil populations in our state. But I haven’t received any support from Liberal or Labour leaders. In fact, when I spoke to a lady in Premier Gutwein’s office, I was shocked to hear she didn’t even know that our precious devils are a threatened species. This is why it’s important for our leaders to hear from us. We need to show we care about the devils, and they must too. Can you share the above photo on their social media pages as comments to grab their attention? Simply right click on the image to save it, and post as a comment under Ministers’ Facebook posts with the following comment: “114 healthy Tasmanian Devils have died on Woollnorth road since January 2021. We need urgent action to address the roadkill Change.org/TassieDevils” Post the photo as comments under posts on the following Facebook pages: Peter Gutwein (Tasmanian Premier) Roger Jaensch (Tasmanian Minister for Environment) VIEW ORIGINAL ARTICLE HERE