

Become a member of the AWPC

THANK YOU for becoming or renewing as an AWPC member. This is a very real way that you are helping our precious fauna and supporting the work of the AWPC for wildlife across Australia.
Our membership and donors ensure we can continue our long-standing role as a national voice for wildlife, particularly in these very challenging times — continue educational and conservation projects, and continue to inform and consult with government agencies, non-government agencies and media. AWPC speaks out when injustices occur, and does not support government-sanctioned lethal management and commercial exploitation of wildlife, as now occurs.
We work together with like-minded wildlife organisations to protect our wildlife heritage and to promote sharing and healing and ecological understanding. Going forward, a goal is to focus on positive strategies that strengthen society’s appreciation for Australia’s unique wildlife and also secure homes/habitats for our remaining wildlife.

With AWPC you support compassionate stewardship of our wildlife on public and private land.
Membership: $20 full and $10 concession annually.
Renewal notices at the end of the fiscal year.Fill out this form and submit. Then choose a payment method.

Payment Methods

Direct Transfer

Deposit your fee directly into our bank account.
Account name: Australian Wildlife Protection Council Inc.

BSB : 063535
Account : 10090791

Please use your name in the description field.

Credit Card

Pay online using our secure credit card payment portal.
Payment Methods AWPC

Our Values

Living peacefully with our native wildlife and the true nature of Australia.
Working together, kindness, solutions, respect, understanding, sharing the land.
This is what we care about, what is important now. We think you may agree. Please join us.

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